Saturday, March 9, 2013

Organizing Is

Knowing what is important and doing it in order and in proper manner

Working moms can't survive without an array of time saving tips and routines to organize the home. Ruthless efficiency is the watchword from the time you wake up until you collapse into bed at night. But you also should know when and what to let go, and don't forget to enjoy yourself!
Time management can be one of the most difficult skills to master. In fact, many working mothers agree that there simply isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. Even the most organized person will become stressed out when short on time.
Set reasonable daily goals. Time management is about getting all your daily duties completed in a reasonable amount of time. Set daily goals for yourself for both your work and home life that allow you to enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Don't set goals that will be impossible to reach. If it's your goal to finish a business proposal, make it your top priority during the workday. If you're determined to finally wrap all your holiday gifts, make that your evening's primary task.
Organize Your home room by room
organize your menu planning
organize your daily chores


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